Clip Library Sync

Share the clip library of Silverstack via ShotHub to keep clip metadata and file information synced across computers.

In order to use the clip library sync feature a Silverstack cloud project should be created first. You can either sync a project from Silverstack with ShotHub or create a new project on the ShotHub web page.

Then, there are generally two ways to connect another Silverstack application to the synced cloud project. Create a new Silverstack project (1) by syncing the clip library from a Silverstack cloud project or merge the local clip library (2) with a Silverstack cloud project. For both ways, make sure that you have added your Pomfort Account in the application preferences to be able to access the Silverstack cloud project.

(1) Create a new local Silverstack project means that connecting the Silverstack desktop application with a ShotHub project creates a new local project that is “synced”. Further changes in the clip library are bi-directionally synced with the cloud project and connected Silverstack applications.

  1. Click the “Sync from ShotHub” button in the Project Chooser (next to the button “New Project”)
  2. Choose your account or sign in to ShotHub with your Pomfort Account credentials (for first usage only)
  3. Choose the Silverstack cloud project that you want to sync with to create a new Silverstack project
  4. Click “Start Sync” to start the sync process of your local library with the selected ShotHub project.

    Create new local Silverstack project from ShotHub

(2) Merge local clip libraries means that you can merge a local Silverstack library with one cloud project, which makes especially sense when you started two Silverstack projects independently. That way, folders with the same name in both local libraries are merged (e.g. “Shooting Day 1”) into the synced clip library, bins are never merged, even if they have the same name.

  1. Click the cloud button in the toolbar
  2. Choose your account or sign in to ShotHub with your Pomfort Account credentials (for first usage only)
  3. Choose the Silverstack cloud project that you want your current local Silverstack project to appear in
  4. Click “Start Sync” to start the sync process of your local library to a Silverstack cloud project in ShotHub.
Local Silverstack Clip Libraries merge into one Silverstack cloud project

Local Silverstack clip libraries merged into one Silverstack cloud project

NOTE: If you are not using the same Pomfort Account on the other device or want to authorize other persons to sync with your project, you should invite them as project admins or project members to your ShotHub cloud project. Learn more about Managing Project Members here.

Clip Library Sync Details

Syncing your Silverstack library via ShotHub to other instances of Silverstack includes:

  • Complete library with all folders and bins
  • All clips, sidecars and documents
  • General Info with metadata
  • User Info with slate and rating information
    Note: Sync option works per metadata entry, that way you can edit slate info and comments on two computers simultaneously
  • File Info with overview of file resources and link to clip in ShotHub
  • Summary showing statistics and details
  • Relation of source and transcoded clips
  • Look info and grading information
    Note: Sync option works per look including all grading nodes
  • Thumbnails (if enabled for initial cloud project)
  • Project Settings: Labels and Custom Field Labels
  • Cue points
  • Synced audio clips
  • Audio Panel adjustments

Metadata created in synced projects

  • ShotID and ShotID link: Clip Identifier to retrieve a clip in ShotHub or Silverstack
  • Added By: Metadata field to indicate the Pomfort account that was used to sync a clip with ShotHub. In Silverstack “Added By” is available as column in the clips table, as filter or smart folder criteria and shown in the file tab. When accessing the cloud project in ShotHub “Added By” is also available as column or search filter.


Related articles:
Exchange Library Metadata: Import and Export Silverstack Library Archives

Search Code: SH-CL1