Livegrade Studio FilmLight Integration Beta

Pomfort currently develops updates for Livegrade Studio. Selected customers now have the chance to preview and test the latest beta version.

What Is New in Livegrade Studio FilmLight Integration Beta?

FilmLight Integration:

  • FilmLight BLG Grading Mode: A dedicated grading mode lets you create looks within the FilmLight color pipeline for perfect compatibility to the FilmLight ecosystem:
        • Set FilmLight’s input transform parameters “Input Colorspace” and “Working Colorspace” in the “In” node
        • Set FilmLight’s output transform parameters “DRT” and “Viewing Colorspace” in the “Out” node
        • Adjust the creative grade from imported BLGs with additional CDL-based nodes before and/or after the grade stack
  • BLG Import: Import FilmLight BLG looks as shots, apply and edit looks in the FilmLight BLG grading mode
  • BLG Export: Save shots created in the FilmLight BLG grading mode as BLG (blg.exr) file.
  • Shot Metadata: Pass on shot metadata in BLG (e.g., for multi-pasting looks to camera originals in FilmLight applications)

Known issues

  • Spatial layers such as shapes will be skipped on import
  • After installing new custom DRTs Livegrade needs to be restarted in order to import a BLG using the new DRT
  • Reading and transmitting the “Graderesult Colour Space” is currently not supported
  • Importing a BLG with an explicit “Graderesult Colour Space” and DRT set to “None” is currently not possible

More Info in the Knowledge Base

Read the following knowledge base articles for further information on the new features:


IMPORTANT NOTE: A compatible Daylight version, with a valid Daylight license or a free “BLG Tools” license is required, see more info on the FilmLight website.

Click here to download Livegrade Studio FilmLight Integration Beta

The beta is available until the official release. Beta versions are not suitable for productions. A valid Livegrade Studio license is needed. For a free temporary license send an e-mail to:

System Requirements: Intel Mac with macOS 10.15 or higher.

We are happy for any feedback! Please send an e-mail to: