How do I upgrade my existing subscription license?

All subscription licenses can be upgraded to more advanced versions any time during the subscription period:

Upgrade from Silverstack to Silverstack XT

If you would like to upgrade your existing Silverstack subscription to Silverstack XT, you can do this yourself with the automatic upgrade form.

Upgrade from Silverstack or Silverstack XT to Silverstack Lab

If you would like to upgrade your existing Silverstack or Silverstack XT subscription to Silverstack Lab, you can do this yourself with the automatic upgrade form.

Upgrade from Livegrade Pro to Livegrade Studio

If you would like to upgrade your existing Livegrade Pro subscription to Livegrade Studio, you can do this yourself with the automatic upgrade form.

Upgrade from older version permanent licenses to subscription licenses

Older permanent licenses for Silverstack and Livegrade can be upgraded to subscription licenses (exceptions may apply). For an upgrade please contact