Import Metadata From LockitNetwork

Metadata captured with the Lockit Script App can be imported via the LockitNetwork cloud service.

Import Metadata from LockitNetwork into Silverstack

First, select the folder or bin in the library that you want to import metadata for. Then, select the option “LockitNetwork Metadata…” in the “Import” menu in the toolbar, and an import dialogue appears.



First Use: Setup the LockitNetwork Account

On the first use, you will be asked to configure your LockitNetwork account. The “+” button will bring you to the LockitNetwork login page. Type in your credentials and confirm twice.


You can configure additional LockitNetwork accounts and manage accounts in the “Accounts” panel of the application’s preferences.

Select LockitNetwork Project Details

If an account is already set up, you can choose the LockitNetwork project and shooting day to import metadata from. With this information, Silverstack requests from the LockitNetwork API information for the selected clips – The API returns what clips were matched and what information is available for them. The import wizard allows you to check the matched clips’ details and optionally deselect those for which information should not be imported. The continue button brings you to the import options and preview.

Metadata Import Options & Preview

The next step allows you to configure and preview the import. It consists of three sections:


Import Section: Select or unselect the metadata that should be imported from the CSV to the Silverstack library.
Silverstack’s “Custom 1-6” fields can be filled with customizable data from LockitNetwork. Please contact to setup these fields individually.

Insert/Update Behavior: Choose if you only want to insert new metadata if a field is empty or to force an overwrite.

Preview of changes: Review the changes that would be applied with the current settings. For more details about this view, please check the article Preview Metadata Before Importing.


Clicking the import button will take over the previewed changes in the library.