Team Roles

As described in User Roles in Team and Projects, every user with a ShotHub plan owns a team. All its team members can use all features in ShotHub and interact with the cloud projects from the desktop applications Silverstack and Livegrade. Therefore being a team member in one of the following roles is a precondition to creating, changing, or managing projects in ShotHub.

  1. Plan Owner: Users that own the ShotHub plan and can upgrade/downgrade the user plan in their Pomfort Accounts. Plan Owners can access all team management settings to overview and edit team members, external users, projects, and team information. They can invite other team members as admins or regular members and remove them if needed. Additionally, they can edit all projects belonging to the team, which means they can join them as admin, archive, or delete them anytime.
  2. Team Admin: Users with admin rights can access the team management settings to overview and edit team members, external users, projects, and team information. They can invite other team members as admins or regular members and remove them if needed. Additionally, they can edit all projects belonging to the team, which means they can join them as admin, archive, or delete them anytime.
  3. Team Member: Regular team members do not have access to the team management settings but can use all other features of ShotHub. Team members in any role (Plan Owner, Team Admin, Team Member) can access the team dashboard to visit or create new projects in ShotHub.


Plan Owner Team Admin Team Member
Manage Plan via Pomfort Account   x  –  –
Invite New Team Admins or Members  x  x  –
Access to Team Management Settings  x  x  –
Manage Projects (as Project Admin)  x  x  x