Team Management Settings

The Team Management Settings are accessible to all the team’s plan owners and team admins. See also Roles in Teams and Projects to learn more about roles in teams and projects.

You can access the Team Settings either from the link on the dashboard, the project dropdown in the project view or from the link in the user account menu on the right side. The Team Settings consist of the following tabs to manage your team.

  • Team Information shows the team name and team logo. Plan owners can edit the name and the logo depending on their user plan. Team plan owners can edit both fields; Pro plan owners only the name field.
  • Team Members give an overview of all team members, their roles, and their projects and allow new members to be invited to the team. By checking “Edit Members,” team members’ roles can be updated, or team members can be removed. Below, the table displays the team members, pending invitations, and the number of additional members that can be invited is displayed.
  • Projects list all projects of the team and respective information as to type, last update time, and project members. By checking “Edit Projects,” additional actions are accessible, including archiving/unarchive, deleting, or joining the project as administrator.
  • External Users show external users that are invited to any team project. The table also indicates the last login date and the tasks of each External user. By checking “Edit External Users,” the users can be removed from all projects in the team.
  • Scripts and API (Team Plan only) lets you create script IDs and keys that grant access to the API. The script should be added to the project settings to allow access to a particular project.
  • Plan Information displays the plan details and plans used for the team. That means plan type, expiry date, plan owner, and the number of members and projects included. In addition, the plan owner can access the Pomfort Account from there to adapt the user plan if required.

Team Settings showing Plan Information