Reset Silverstack’s Library and Preferences

In the unusual event of Silverstack not being able to launch, you might have to consider resetting the preferences and/or deleting Silverstack’s library.

Warning: This can’t be undone, deleting the library will delete all custom metadata, clip references and thumbnails. The actual clips won’t be deleted.

Deleting Silverstack’s preferences

  • Quit Silverstack
  • Create a copy/backup of the following file matching your Silverstack version (optional):
    Silverstack 8: ~/Library/Preferences/com.pomfort.Silverstack8.plist
    Silverstack Lab 8: ~/Library/Preferences/com.pomfort.SilverstackLab8.plist
    Silverstack 7: ~/Library/Preferences/com.pomfort.Silverstack7.plist
    Silverstack Lab 7: ~/Library/Preferences/com.pomfort.SilverstackLab7.plist
  • Open up the Terminal application (type terminal in your spotlight or navigate within the Utilities folder of your application folder)
  • Type the following command in your terminal window matching your Silverstack version:
    Silverstack 8: defaults delete com.pomfort.Silverstack8
    Silverstack Lab 8: defaults delete com.pomfort.SilverstackLab8
    Silverstack 7: defaults delete com.pomfort.Silverstack7
    Silverstack Lab 7: defaults delete com.pomfort.SilverstackLab7
  • Start Silverstack

Deleting Silverstack’s library

  • Quit Silverstack
  • Rename the folder matching your Silverstack version in your home directory:
    Silverstack 8: ~/Library/Application Support/Pomfort/Silverstack8
    Silverstack Lab 8: 
    ~/Library/Application Support/Pomfort/SilverstackLab8
    Silverstack 7: 
    ~/Library/Application Support/Pomfort/Silverstack7
    Silverstack Lab 7: 
    ~/Library/Application Support/Pomfort/SilverstackLab7

    The Library folder is hidden by default. You can open the Library folder in Finder when opening the “Go” menu and holding the “alt” key. You will see an extra entry “Library” in the “Go” menu. Choose this entry and a Finder window will open with the Library folder.

  • Start Silverstack again, it will automatically create a new library.

Now Silverstack should start as usual with a fresh library. If you still experience issues, please contact our support team.