Importing Looks (from LiveGrade)

Silverstack’s Look Library and grading controls enable you to receive looks from LiveGrade or ACES Metadata Files (AMF) created with other applications. More information about creating and managing looks in LiveGrade can be found in the articles Grading Modes in LiveGrade and Create Clips, Stills and Looks.

Importing a Look into Silverstack

Choose the Button “Import” or fo to the Main Menu and select

  • File>Import>Pomfort Looks (pfl)…” for looks exported from Livegrade
  • File>Import>ACES Metadata File (amf)…” for looks exported as ACES Metadata File (AMF) from other applications

Import Look File into Silverstack

An open dialog shows up. Navigate to the looks that should be import and select one or multiple files.

Make sure that Silverstack’s Look Library in the right info bar is shown (for example toggle the right bar from the toolbar). Learn how to use the Look Library in Silverstack from the article The Silverstack Look Library. Go to the Look tab:

Look Library showing details of the imported look

The imported looks will appear in the “Looks” section containing:

  • Thumbnail
  • Look name
  • Grading Mode
  • Additional Metadata

Looks imported from Pomfort Looks (pfl):  The settings of the grading nodes reflect those of the look in LiveGrade. After applying the look to the desired clip you will be able to modify it in Silverstack from the point where you left off in LiveGrade.

Looks imported from ACES Metadata File (amf): AMFs are XML-based format specified by ACES for interchanging the entire setup of an ACES pipeline. Therefore the look created in the look library includes IDT, LMT  and ODT, ACES version information, ASC-CDL values and the working color space for the ASC-CDL and the LMT. If the ACES Metadata File is referring to a CLF file (Common LUT Format), the CLF file is loaded into the LMT node.

To learn more about the grade controls in Silverstack please refer to the article Grading Controls in Silverstack.

Importing a Look Archive from Livegrade into Silverstack

Go to the looks tab in the Right Bar of Silverstack.  In the Look Library perform a secondary click (right click)


Importing a Look Archive as a folder.

Select the desired .pfla (Pomfort Look Archive) file and click. The Looks from the Archive will then be available in the newly created folders in the Silverstack Look Library.