Export LUTs for the AJA LUT-box

Due to the design of the AJA LUT-box Livegrade is not able to use it for real time color grading. However a 3D LUT can be created with Livegrade and exported and uploaded onto the AJA LUT-box.

In order to be able to upload a LUT into the AJA LUT-box, you have to export it from Livegrade into a specific format. To do so select it form the Grade Library and go to File > Save selected Looks as:


figure 1: exporting a 3D LUT

figure 1: exporting a 3D LUT


Then on Look format, you have to select «AJA LUT Box» on the drop down menu:


figure 2: LUT format selection

figure 2: LUT format selection


Once the format has been selected, the LUT export wizard will display the format specifications. Now you only have to save the grade to the specified location.


figure 3: AJA LUT Box format

figure 3: AJA LUT Box format


Finally, the LUT has to be uploaded into the AJA LUT-box device using the MiniConfig software downloaded along with the hardware drivers.

figure 3: MiniConfig software UI

figure 4: MiniConfig software UI


To upload a LUT the user needs to select “3D-Lut” from the main menu and the choose the slot he wants the LUT to be written on:



figure 4: Mini Config menu

figure 5: Mini Config menu


Then an open dialog is shown where the LUT that has been exported from Livegrade has to be selected.